Sunday 13 July 2014


Winterreise (2012) ...

Atom™  is Uwe Schmidt.  Winterreise (Winter Journey) is a soundtrack to his exhibition of photographs in Tokyo and Frankfurt.  Austere and elemental ambient soundscapes ...

Streuung Teil 1 ...

Wellen und Felder ... 

As with all of his releases, it is fascinating to hear how Uwe Schmidt combines different elements on various levels. In his work, even the most detached electronics has a distinct human feeling. In this respect, Atom TM might very well be the personification of Kraftwerk's 'Man-Machine'. 
"With a balance between the romantic and the scientific, this album evokes, not just accompanies, the visual aspect of the "Winterreise" project in a perfect manner, by painting grainy sonic images that visualize the tradition and the future of the romantic subconscious." ...

Winterreise ... 

Made up of seventeen tracks, the longer swathes interspersed with brief passages of barely-there connective strands, the album is a triumph of atmospheric cultivation in a field that  falls into unfeeling frigidity all too often. The loping title track passes easily into ‘Voralpenthema’, a dripping piano miniature, and so on into the crackling ‘Streuung Teil’ trilogy which comprises three tracks of slowly oscillating hitch-beats. Motifs come and go, like in ‘Drei Schneewalzer-Teil II’ which harks back to ‘Voralpenthema’ and predicts its sister track thirteen pieces in...

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