Saturday 4 October 2014

The Fall

I Am Kurious Oranj (1988) ...

The Fall released their eleventh album to accompany a  ballet by collaborator Michael Clark ...  (D#) D Am Em G C Em Enjoy...

Overture to I Am Kurious Oranj ... 

Big New Prinz ...

The album I Am Kurious Oranj was written for the ballet I Am Curious Orange, choreographed by Michael Clarke and performed by his troupe to the live accompaniment of the Fall. The theme was more or less William of Orange (1650-1702), aka William III, ruler of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Holland. William was seen as a standard-bearer for the Protestant faith, deposing the Catholic James II, and waging war against the Catholic king of France, Louis XIV. The ballet coincided with the 300th anniversary of his accesion to the English throne. According to Mark E. Smith in his book, Renegade, "We adapted the title from a Swedish porno film--I am Curious, Yellow. I was trying to make the point that we all share some kind of common knowledge that's within ourselves; that comes out in all sorts of things. Some people call it a gene pool. It's as if you already know subconsciously about historical incidents. You don't have to have been taught it. It's in-built. At the time I wanted to put this across, basically as a loose explanation of what was happening in Belfast: it's in the head and bones and there's nothing you can do about it." ...

Jerusalem ...

Kurious Oranj  (invulnerable to cool, positively deranged)  ...  

Copped It & Ludd gang ...(choreography by Michael Clarke) ... not from Kurious Oranj 


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